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Integrated Management System Policy

Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited, Ranjitnagar, intends to be market leader in manufacturing and marketing of Fluorocarbons and Fluorospecialty Chemicals. With keeping this in mind Gujarat Fluorochemiczls Limited, Ranjitnagar has implemented Integrated Management System with the following underlying philosophy:
Product Quality:

Manufacture and supply products of desired Quality to meet customers' satisfaction.

Interested parties' expectations:

Ensure that every employee of GFL Ranjitnagar focuses on ful?llment of apectations of the Interested parties', which includes Customers, Extemal Service Providers, Regulatory Authorities, Investors, Surrounding Communities and Employees etc.

Protection of Environment:

Ensure that every employee of GFL, Ranjitnagar is highly sensitive and committed to achieve pollution prevention, waste reduction, recycling, resource conservation, environmental protection relevant to the context of the organization.

Occupational Health & Safety:

Promote a safe and healthy work culture in GFL, Ranjitnagar by committing to prevention of occupational injury and illnesses, Improving occupational health and safety by reducing risks at the workplace.

Compliance Obligation:

Ensure that the entire team of GFL, Ranjitnagar is sensitive to compliant of all applicable laws and other requirements that relate to quality, environment and occupational health and safety.

Continual Improvement:

Every employee in GFL, Ranjitnagar shall appreciate the need to continually improve QEHS systems and performance, by raising the bar at appropriate intervals of time.

Training & Development:

For improvement on a continual basis, planned Training and Developmental Programs would be an integral part of GFL's operational systems.

Achive results of Integrated management system through monitoring and review of

  Organizational Internal context such as organizations activities, Products, Services, Strategic, Direction and capabilities of people, Knowledge, Processess and system
  Organizational external context such as climate change, Air quality, Water quality, Regulatory issues, corporate Social Responsibility etc.

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